Eye On The Prize

There is this amazing feeling of contentment within me. Now I can sit back and relax and wait for things to work. I hope they do. My eye is on that prize. Yes. I finally submitted my design. 🙂 Three months ago, I missed out on a design competition and really regretted later especially after I saw the finalist entries and figured I could have made that list too. Therefore, I painfully swore that I would make it up to myself by taking up the next design competition that comes up..especially during the holiday.

As if fate was testing me, a competition was launched, not even a week into the holiday. Without even thinking twice, I registered. Then now I started thinking twice. Been struggling with that week after week. Its been hectic..I dint even manage to fully complete the design..but I submitted it anyway, however conceptual it was.

Now, as I await for the judgement process to be over, I can only pray for the best.  #fingers crossed #prayers in check.

Praying hard,

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Tomorrow Will Be Anxious For Itself!!

Matthew 6:34

34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

A constant reminder to me, the notorious ‘overthinker’ to stop worrying about the future.

I have 4 days to go for my design competition entry. This week I have been trying to beat all odds. Working almost non-stop. I have resolved my design in ways I had never thought I could. Last week and the one before, I was so tired and felt like giving up. Well, truth is, I actually gave up. Especially after my friend and classmate told me that he was tired as well-trying to juggle attachment and the competition.

I remember thinking, “well, atleast if he is out..” I consoled myself with that fact and also the fact that I was very busy with an office interiors project myself. So I also went on to think of the possibilities of my then 1/4 of a design making it through the winnings. It would probably even be disqualified for “lack of seriousness”. Then I also told myself that it was perhaps not God’s plans for me to do the competition anyway.

But what about the feeling I got immediately I got my hands on the competition brief..? I felt like I was called to do it! Where was that promise…? Is it possible that the same God who told me to do it and see His Amazing Works was now telling me that I will not make it..? Never!! Lies!!

I block all thoughts of tomorrow because they are mostly negative and I choose to focus on the now. Now is when you can change something, not Tomorrow. I decided that even though I have a week, I will try what I can..’A Day At A Time.’ (lately I have been feeling like that should have been the name of my blog..oh well..) 19th August ’13 be the D-Day!

Pray for me guys,

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